Friday, February 25, 2011

Teenagers Have No Filter

There are several reasons I like teaching teenagers; you don't have to wipe their butt after they go potty, you don't have to help them blow their noses, they don't cry (usually).  The list could go on and on.  I have to say one of my favorite things about working with teenagers is their brutal honesty.  If I'm wearing something that they don't like, they'll ask me, "Ms. N, you like that shirt huh?"  That's their nice way of saying "That shirt is so out of style Ms. N. never wear it again."  Sadly enough, I take their advice.  They're supposed to be the "young hip ones"...and alas I am over the age of 30 and not considered "young and hip" anymore.

We are studying a specific region in Europe and I busted out my photos from my several trips to Europe to show them different areas of the region.  That's when the gloves were off and the comments started to roll:

Student:  "Wow Ms. N you were skinny back then."  This comment made about a photo that is 7 years old.  Made me feel super.

Student:  "WHO IS THAT?"  They were shocked and a bit disappointed when I told them it was, in fact, a picture of me....7 years ago.

Showing pictures of my most recent trip to Europe which was with an ex who unfortunately was in several of the pictures:

Student:  Eww..who's the old guy in the picture with you?  (It was my ex)

Student:  (while looking at another picture with the two of us and a friend of mine from HS that we met over there), "Eww Ms. N your boyfriend brought his KID along?"

Then finally:

Student:  Ms. N why did you break up with the old guy?  Cause there is no reason someone his age dating a young chick like you would ever leave...he's not going to do any better.  I LOVE THEM.

Finally one of the best of the week.  This was this morning with my freshmen.  A girl raised her hand and said," Ms. N when I put this flower in my hair today I thought of you.  Cause you're always doing funky stuff with your hair."

I was unaware that my hair was "funky"

Yikes.  They keep me humble and sometimes in a weird way they compliment me.

Happy Friday.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Ms. N, you are funky and doing a great job teaching your students! We need more good ones like you!
