Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine's Day In the Classroom

Anyone who knows me knows that I devour the Huffington Post  daily.  Today I found this article titled "Breaking Kids Hearts on Valentines Day."  This article is heartbreaking.  I remember as a child, right before Valentine's Day, having a letter sent home from my teacher about our Valentine's Day Party accompanied with a list of every student's name.  My mother made sure that I gave a Valentine to EVERY SINGLE CLASSMATE.  I would have never thought it any other way.  The smelly kid who sat in the corner, and even the girl who everyone thought had "cooties" because she just returned to school following a bout with head lice got a Valentine from me.  To read this article about some students not receiving a single Valentine from their classmates is just wrong.  And it's not just elementary school!  It continues in high school with "candy grams" and  sending flowers etc.  After reading this, I can understand why some school districts don't allow holidays to be celebrated in class.  So I guess my point is, if you are reading this and you are a parent, please make sure your child gives valentines to everyone because you have no idea the damage it can cause to a young child.  If you are a teacher, please ask that your students do the same.  It's just mean and hurtful on a holiday that is supposed to be about love and friendship.

On a lighter note, my dad sent me flowers today which is always lovely.  "Tyler with an i" gave me a side hug and said sweetly "Happy Valentine's Day Ms. N I love you AND your sweater."  Nothing better than the sweet sentiments of my fancy friend!

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